Teaching Rugby

Rookie Rugby has been taking physical education classes by storm over the past few years. Students love playing a continuous game where everyone gets to run, pass, catch, and score! The newest Olympic sport is perfect for any school environment, keeping kids active and safe.

USA Rugby and MYRO are dedicated to putting Rookie Rugby in every P.E. class in MA! We have designed a full curriculum that is easy to implement for boys and girls of all ages.

We know what you’re thinking – how can I teach rugby when I’ve never played it or even seen it? Not a problem! Rookie Rugby is an easy game to learn with simple rules; anyone can teach it!

Rookie Rugby is the non-contact version of rugby that can be played indoors or outdoors by boys and girls of all ages. It is perfect for a school setting because it keeps kids active, working on team dynamics, and having fun!

The steps to get started are simple:

STEP 1: Learn the Game

  • USA Rugby has a ton of great resources that can help you learn the game of rugby.

STEP 2: Get Some Help and Equipment

  • Contact MYRO to purchase equipment, curriculum, etc!

  • Additional local support may be available in your area, contact us.

STEP 3: Begin Teaching Rugby!

  • Once you have purchased the curriculum and solicited local help, you are ready to start teaching rugby in class. Your students will love this game!

  • Be sure to record your session!